How to prepare walls to paint

Website Editor • Sep 26, 2021

Want a flawless finish to your painting?

Preparation is  the key
Remove as much furniture and any items from your room as possible

  • Items that are too large that can't be removed should be pushed to the center of the room
  • Remove everything from your walls, including, electrical face plates, and picture nails

Check your walls for any imperfections that will need to be repaired. Look for cracks, dents, or holes and fill them in with a fine plaster compound using a putty knife. Be sure to blend the edges of the compound into the surface of your wall. Once the patched spot is completely dry sand it with extra fine sandpaper until smooth. Wipe your walls clean with a damp sponge or cloth and allow them to dry. Finally, remove any remaining dust from your walls.

Paint Preparation
Painters tape is the best way to make sure all of your edges a clean and straight. Use it in short, overlapping strips along the ceiling and trim, making sure to press the edges down firmly. Protecting your floors with drop sheets or old blankets/sheets. Tape these sheets down to prevent tripping.

Next you will want to prime your walls, especially any patched spots. When priming and painting if you really want to get that beautiful finish: work one wall at a time. Cut in the edges of your wall and roll on paint while everything is still wet before moving onto the next wall. Working with wet on wet is the key as it allows the paint edges to blend together for a quality seamless finish.

Contact TB Painting for a free no obligation quote for all your painting/repair needs.

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